How do most people resolve their conflicts? Below are some different styles; you'll probably recognize of them but I've also included the advantages and disadvantages of each style.
Styles of Conflict Resolution:
Competitive: Pursuing personal concerns at expense of others (I win, you Lose)
Collaborative: being highly assertive in regard to reaching one’s goals while also showing great concern for the other person.
1.burn out on relationships because they invest so much energy into resolving conflict.
1.burn out on relationships because they invest so much energy into resolving conflict.
2.Good collaborators are powerful and sometimes use strengths to manipulate people.
Compromise: intermediate style btw aggressiveness and cooperation
Advantage: more direct than avoidance/reinforce relationship is one btw equals
Disadvantage: favors easy “formula”
Avoidance: avoiding conflicts by changing the subject or w/drawing
A: gives avoider time to think if good will come from fight/whether others can manage fight
D: conveys avoider doesn't want to deal w/ problem, puts problem on back burner, reinforce that conflict is bad, should be avoided, usually sets stage for further conflict
A: gives avoider time to think if good will come from fight/whether others can manage fight
D: conveys avoider doesn't want to deal w/ problem, puts problem on back burner, reinforce that conflict is bad, should be avoided, usually sets stage for further conflict
Accommodating: Involves nonassertive and cooperative behaviors
A: giving in and being reasonable when accommodator is in wrong
A: giving in and being reasonable when accommodator is in wrong
D: reduce creative options; sacrifices genuine dialogue; produce resentment and desire to get even
All these styles have their own advantages and disadvantages, not one is better than the other, as long as different styles are exercised. So remember to balance between each style- depending on the situation!
Which style do you tend to use more the most and is it typically effective? Please comment and share!
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