Question of the day: Is being too close to your partner or friend problematic? Is it better to be super independent or rely on your partner/friend all the time?
Answer: Neither. There's this term called interdependency and it's apparently the BEST type of relationship to have. So what is this interdependency?
Well...Interdependency- it sounds a little like DEPENDENCY, but also like INDEPENDENT...what??
It's exactly the combination of the two. Interdependency is the balance between dependency and independence. It allows for individuality as well as recognizing the needs of others (which is necessary to maintain close and healthy relationship).
Think about it, you wouldn't want to decide EVERYTHING for your partner or rely on them to choose EVERYTHING for you, right? It's important to have your own independent feelings and life while at the same time, remaining that intimacy with your significant other and building a relationship of trust and togetherness. This doesn't mean having separate lives; it just means having two joint lives (if that makes sense). You want to have your own friends, but also for your significant other to be a part of that life too. This concept can also be applied to a friendship.
I feel like this can perhaps be a controversial topic. Some may think that being together all the time is the BEST way to maintain intimacy, but one big problem that comes into play is jealousy. People need to balance being intimate and close, but also focus on being independent so individuals can develop, which is important for a healthy relationship.
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