If you’re lazy like me (or you just don't have the time to work out or run a mile (or two)), but still want to stay healthy and a (little bit) fit, try some of the techniques I use:
- Laugh (I swear laughing works out my abs way more than crunches do)
- Walk up stairs rather than ride the elevator any chance you get.
- Dance around to music (Good way to wake yourself up, stay warm, and exercise! Dance till you break a sweat--which for me takes about 5 min tops haha)
- Stretch while watching T.V. (I rarely do this, but SOMETIMES when I do, it feels great)
- Walk to as many places as you can instead of driving
- Shopping! ( I mean, can you imagine how many miles you’re covering just by walking around the mall? And the more you buy, the more weights you’re lifting! Just kidding, but really, carrying around those shopping bags and even holding hangers up for a better look at cute clothes can work those muscles!)
- Grocery Shopping (Not as fun as real shopping, but carrying back groceries by hand (and feet), instead of driving will definitely get the heart pumping and the muscles working!)
- Go for a brisk walk: If you ate too much and feel super full, going on a walk will help and it's exercise too! Plus, sometimes, it's just nice to go out on a walk-either by yourself or with a friend. Enjoy the view or the company or BOTH. It's also a good time to reflect on school, work, or life.
These are fast/quick ways to exercise a little bit and most of these can be done will multi-tasking!
Hopefully the tricks I use will help you as much as it has helped me :)
P.S If anyone has other tricks and options, please comment because I need ALL the exercise I can get without ACTUALLY exercising haha :) I'm a lazy poop
P.S If anyone has other tricks and options, please comment because I need ALL the exercise I can get without ACTUALLY exercising haha :) I'm a lazy poop
You should check out "Asian sitting pose"! I do it all the time while reading or doing homework.