Friday, December 9, 2011

Cozy Winter Favorites

Infinity Scarf
To stay warm, here are my favorite winter items!
All items can be purchased from Forever 21!
Knee High Socks: I like wearing the thicker ones over jeans or leggings.  
I paired the thinner, shorter knee socks with a skirt,(over tights).

Heart Shaped Ear Muffs

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

DIY Cow Electronics Case!!

Cow Case 
Time: 10 Minutes

1. White case (I got mine from Amazon for like $5)
2. (Black)Duck Tape (Also Amazon for $4) or black tape that is thick and wide
3. clear glitter nail polish (optional) (Walgreens for $0.99)

1. Cut duck tape into desired cow spots and place them on the case. Smooth down the tape so it's completely flat (My duck tape was easy to peel off since I messed up)

2. Optional: Paint clear glitter nail polish on top to help the duck tape stay in place..and makes it glittery!! :)

3. Let it dry for about 5 minutes.

4. ENJOY! that's was super duper easy.

Monday, June 27, 2011

What Girls Really Mean when they...

My bestieee showed this cute thread to me and it's soo super true!! Do as it says and you'll definitely win the key to any girl's heart :)

When she stares at your mouth
[ Kiss her ]

When she pushes you or hits you
[ Grab her and dont let go ]

When she starts cursing at you tryin to act all tuff
[ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]

When she's quiet
[ Ask her whats wrong ]

When she ignores you
[ Give her your attention ]

When she pulls away
[ Pull her back ]

When you see her at her worst
[ Tell her she's beautiful ]

When you see her start crying
[Just hold her and dont say a word ]

When you see her walking
[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]

When she's scared
[ Protect her ]

When she steals your favorite hat
[ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night ]

When she teases you
[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]

When she doesn't answer for a long time
[ reassure her that everything is okay ]

When she looks at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up ]

When she says that she likes you
[She really does more than you could understand!!]

When she grabs at your hands
[ Hold her's and play with her fingers ]

When she bumps into you
[ bump into her back and make her laugh ]

When she tells you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold]

When she looks at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until she does ]
- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything.
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let her go
- When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid
- Give her the world
- Let her wear your clothes
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
- Let her know she's important.
- Kiss her in the pouring rain.
- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is;"Whose ass am I
kicking baby?"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to ask that oh so special..STRANGER out

Have you ever walked down the street and spied a really hot guy or girl from the corner of your eyes? Or perhaps your first encounter with that special stranger is when you accidentally knocked her books out of her hands or ran into his friend and spilled a drink on the hottie because you were too busy staring at his fabulous body?

Well here are a few tips to get the ball rolling. A. You shouldn't knock over her books, you should knock over her coffee so you can ask if you can buy her a new cup or better yet, knock her lunch or dinner over and invite her out to replace her lost meal. Creepy? Maybe a little, but hey girls, it's a free meal! I'm just kidding, you can offer, but start off with some basic conversation, like "I'm soo sorry, how clumsy of me!" Get to know her a little bit more, establish a non-creepy connection and then BAM, ask if you can take her out for lunch or dinner because you just feel oh so terrible about spilling her food.

The spilling the drink on hottie is easy...whew, you got his shirt off already! and you guys haven't even been out on a date! Or at the very least if he's modest, you can wipe off some of the strawberry smoothie off with your bare hands for closer contact or a napkin, if you feel hate getting sticky like me! The chances that he'll offer to buy you a drink is slim, since he already has yours on him..but you can ask if he (and his friend) would want to go grab another smoothie with you, your treat of course for the mishap!

If none of those incidents have ever happened, A. make sure they do or B. continue reading.

If you get to the smoothie shop and you spot a even hotter hottie behind the counter, buy the drink for not-so-hot-hottie (you don't want to go back on your word) and strike up a conversation with hotter hottie(HH). (Or you're starting off with no hotties at a coffee shop)You can ask HH what he or she would recommend, what his or her favorite flavors are and that can lead to future conversations, like "hey I tried the drink/food you recommended and it was fantastic!(LIE if you have too) We must have similar taste, we should go test it out at a different restaurant" BAM, date. Or if you don't want to be that forward, you can try connecting with her more and find out if you actually have things in common before asking her out. Perhaps, if you get there near closing time, you can say something along the lines of "hey my friends and I are gonna go try this yummy new ice-cream place around the corner, do you wanna go join?" This makes it a bit more causal and less awkward for everyone.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lesson 6: Jealousy: A Green-Eyed Monster or Real Love?

     We've all been there. At one point in our lives, we've been jealous of someone--or possibly something. Whether it be our siblings, friends, peers, boyfriend, girlfriend, or TV for whatever reasons. Is jealousy a good thing or is it a feeling people should never experience? Is it destructive or is it beneficial? In this post, I will attempt to answer some questions about jealousy in a romantic-love relationship.
    Some level of jealousy is functional in a relationship. Sometimes it encourages someone to think about an intimate relationship and look for constructive ways to help the relationship grow. However, when jealousy becomes too intense, it can become an issue and may even lead to abuse or violence in an intimate relationship.
    Therapists see jealousy as a self-defeating emotion; but does it really matter what therapists think?? However, they make a good point; jealous people just make themselves miserable by constantly worrying about what their partners are doing and it just makes the whole relationship tense. The jealous partner is often insecure about losing their significant other, which is why they react so drastically and try to control the relationship, which may drive the other partner away.
    So...if we can't control our jealousy what do we do? Well, first make sure you have your own issues all figured out. If you have low self-esteem, try and figure ways to feel better about yourself because your boyfriend or girlfriend loves you for who you are, and you being jealous isn't going to keep them closer, but staying true to yourself and trusting your partner will help your relationship grow and bloom like a flower! :D You can't control how your partner behaves, but you can control how you perceive a certain event. For example, if you think your significant other flirts a lot..maybe he or she doesn't..maybe he or she is just really friendly and open to everyone and you have to be ok with that. If you often feel jealous because of what happened in your past relationships..DON'T. Start fresh and give your new partner a chance and trust them. You have to open yourself and can't let the past dictate your present life. It may seem scary at first, but let go of the past, in order to live in the present!
    IF it is impossible to not feel jealous sometimes, just follow the tips below to make sure the Green-Eyed Monster doesn't destroy the love and bond you have with your partner:
1. Confront the jealousy and talk about it with your partner (Jealousy is a sign that there is a problem and it      should not be ignored.)
2. Discuss how much each person is committed to the relationship and wants to maintain it overtime. If both of you would like to continue your relationship, then
3. Talk about ways that you both can work together to build a closer and more intimate relationship.

So, that was a short blog on what jealousy is and kind of why people feel jealous. I hope the tips help tone down the jealousy and if not, make sure to TALK TALK TALK. Communication is SOO important in a relationship. Without it, a relationship won't work, no matter how much love there is. Comment if you have anything to add :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lesson 5: How to Save $$$

Below are a few tips that my Marriage and Families textbook suggested on how couples/families can save a couple of bucks! The ones I chose to put down work for individuals as well.

1. Don't buy on impulse: Know what you're looking for and don't buy anything you really don't need (I have problems with this one..because I think I NEED what I WANT haha--whoopsies)
2. Avoid buying on credit: High interest rates credit cards charge can double the cost of an item. Think REAL hard before buying anything on it really worth DOUBLE of what it was originally or should you wait until you have REAL PEOPLE money?
3. Buy at the right time: Of course if a brand new model of something just came out yesterday, it's gonna be a bit pricey! If you wait a bit, the price will go down and the quality will still be the same. you really need it NOW? Or can you wait a couple of months and save $$$? THINK about this one, though it's tempting cuz others have the newest versions and models. What you save can end up going towards a future purchase..that's like TWO things for the price of ONE--HOW EXCITING!! Also, watch out for sales, but don't buy something just cuz it's cheap...another Whoopsies for me..I think cheap is GOOD! haha..but watch out for QUALITY (not quantity).
4. Don't pay extra for a brand name: As tempting as it is to tromp around with designer jeans and brand name you really NEED to? Generic items are often as good and usually cheaper..just remember to look for QUALITY, if it's worth it, then go for it!
5. Recognize that convenience costs money: Local stores might cost more $$$ because they're RIGHT THERE and they know that. So..if you don't need something right away, wait till you can go to another location that's cheaper.
6. Question the need to go first class: Do you really need the "best"? Can you really afford the most expensive version of a given product or service?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lesson 4: Styles of Conflict Resolution

How do most people resolve their conflicts? Below are some different styles; you'll probably recognize of them but I've also included the advantages and disadvantages of each style.
Styles of Conflict Resolution:
Competitive: Pursuing personal concerns at expense of others (I win, you Lose)
Collaborative: being highly assertive in regard to reaching one’s goals while also showing great concern for the other person.               
1.burn out on relationships because they invest so much energy into resolving conflict.
2.Good collaborators are powerful and sometimes use strengths to manipulate people.
Compromise: intermediate style btw aggressiveness and cooperation
Advantage: more direct than avoidance/reinforce relationship is one btw equals
Disadvantage: favors easy “formula”
Avoidance: avoiding conflicts by changing the subject or w/drawing
A: gives avoider time to think if good will come from fight/whether others can manage fight
D: conveys avoider doesn't want to deal w/ problem, puts problem on back burner, reinforce that conflict is bad, should be avoided, usually sets stage for further conflict
Accommodating: Involves nonassertive and cooperative behaviors
A: giving in and being reasonable when accommodator is in wrong
D: reduce creative options; sacrifices genuine dialogue; produce resentment and desire to get even

All these styles have their own advantages and disadvantages, not one is better than the other, as long as different styles are exercised. So remember to balance between each style- depending on the situation!

Which style do you tend to use more the most and is it typically effective? Please comment and share!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Where's my Snow?!

So, all through last night in San Francisco, it was pouring rain and the trees were swaying like CRAZY. I thought there was a good chance that I might just possibly DIE. But it was ok, because I thought it was all in preparation for SNOW. So, as you can all imagine, I was disappointed after being kept up ALL night by the pelts of rain (and possibly hail) against my window and the ANGRY roar of the wind, I woke up to bright SUNSHINE. SUN?!?! Really? Where did you come from?! How did the weather change so drastically during the last 3 hours when I finally fell asleep? But, most importantly, WHERE'S MY SNOW?

I was so soo ready to break out the rainboots (for I have no snowboots) and playing in the snow and maybe building a snowcow or two. As I'm typing this, the sun is peeping through my blinds, mocking me. Yes, the sun is MOCKING me. Why does the weather channel have to play tricks on me? Don't get my hopes up for nothing, that's like snatching candy away from a little poor innocent kid.

Where's my snow? All I wanted was to build a snowcow and perhaps kill two birds with one stone and get my daily dose of exercise. Is that too much to ask for?

Perhaps, I will be optimistic and hope that the snow is still coming. Although, I have never seen Mr. Sun gleaming as brightly and happily as he is right now. Does that mean snow's not coming?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lesson 3: Interdependency

Question of the day: Is being too close to your partner or friend problematic? Is it better to be super independent or rely on your partner/friend all the time?
Answer: Neither. There's this term called interdependency and it's apparently the BEST type of relationship to have. So what is this interdependency?

Well...Interdependency- it sounds a little like DEPENDENCY, but also like INDEPENDENT...what??
It's exactly the combination of the two. Interdependency is the balance between dependency and independence. It allows for individuality as well as recognizing the needs of others (which is necessary to maintain close and healthy relationship).

Think about it, you wouldn't want to decide EVERYTHING for your partner or rely on them to choose EVERYTHING for you, right? It's important to have your own independent feelings and life while at the same time, remaining that intimacy with your significant other and building a relationship of trust and togetherness. This doesn't mean having separate lives; it just means having two joint lives (if that makes sense). You want to have your own friends, but also for your significant other to be a part of that life too. This concept can also be applied to a friendship.

I feel like this can perhaps be a controversial topic. Some may think that being together all the time is the BEST way to maintain intimacy, but one big problem that comes into play is jealousy. People need to balance being intimate and close, but also focus on being independent so individuals can develop, which is important for a healthy relationship.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quick and Easy ways to Exercise and Stay Fit

If you’re lazy like me (or you just don't have the time to work out or run a mile (or two)), but still want to stay healthy and a (little bit) fit, try some of the techniques I use:

  1. Laugh (I swear laughing works out my abs way more than crunches do)
  2. Walk up stairs rather than ride the elevator any chance you get.
  3. Dance around to music (Good way to wake yourself up, stay warm, and exercise! Dance till you break a sweat--which for me takes about 5 min  tops haha)
  4. Stretch while watching T.V. (I rarely do this, but SOMETIMES when I do, it feels great)
  5. Walk to as many places as you can instead of driving
  6. Shopping! ( I mean, can you imagine how many miles you’re covering just by walking around the mall? And the more you buy, the more weights you’re lifting! Just kidding, but really, carrying around those shopping bags and even holding hangers up for a better look at cute clothes can work those muscles!)
  7. Grocery Shopping (Not as fun as real shopping, but carrying back groceries by hand (and feet), instead of driving will definitely get the heart pumping and the muscles working!) 
  8. Go for a brisk walk: If you ate too much and feel super full, going on a walk will help and it's exercise too! Plus, sometimes, it's just nice to go out on a walk-either by yourself or with a friend. Enjoy the view or the company or BOTH. It's also a good time to reflect on school, work, or life.
These are fast/quick ways to exercise a little bit and most of these can be done will multi-tasking!
Hopefully the tricks I use will help you as much as it has helped me :)

P.S If anyone has other tricks and options, please comment because I need ALL the exercise I can get without ACTUALLY exercising haha :) I'm a lazy poop

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lesson 2: Communicating Effectively

Using Communication to Increase Intimacy:

1. Look for the good in ur partner and give compliments
2. Praise ur partner as much as possible
3. Take time to listen, listen, listen,
4. Listen to understand, not judge
5. Make sure u understand waht the other is saying before commenting
6. Be assertive: share feelsings by using "I" statements
7. Share personal feelings
8. When an issue arise, avoid blaming each other and talk directly about how to deal with the issue differently
9. If the issue persists, focus on creating as many new solutions as u can and then try them one at a time

The best type of communication is assertive. Which means one expresses one's feelings, emotions, and thoughts. (You have the right to say what you think and your partner has the right to understand why you're acting a certain way and just to know what's going on in your head)

Postivite Influence of Assertiveness:

-Increase in Self confidence
-Decrease in avoidance/partner dominance
-Feel better about partners/themselves
-Able to express feelings
-Increased level of intimacy
-Ask for waht they want and therefore, more likely to get it

P.S. Once again, feel free to comment/ask any questions <3


Sooo..Bieber got a haircut and the consensus of whether he looks younger or older are still up in the air. Personally, I've always thought his hair looked a bit like a helmet that he just plopped on his head and never takes off. However, I'm not sure I like the new do either. I've never noticed how THICK his eyebiebs (brows) were. Well, I mean I couldn't SEE his eyebrows with that helmet on!! But, Bieber is still the Biebster and it was for a good cause, so no need to mourn!! Bieb's publicist is a damn good one! I mean who really could have predicted how his fans will react to the new cut? But no one can really complain if his locks are going towards charity! I wonder if this new Biebcut will catch on? What do you guys think?

WebSites I Visit

For those of you who’ve never heard of FML, it’s a site where people post all the sucky things that has happened. As bad as this sounds, it really makes you feel better about yourself when you read about a terrible experience someone else went through. It really makes me think, “Wow, boy am I glad that’s not me”. Sometimes the posts are just soo ridiculous and probably not true, but still funny to read. I also just ignore some or skip over the posts that are like, wtf? Most posts are about 1 line or 2, so it’s just a quick way to laugh a little and never fails to make me appreciate my life.
So, I’ve been a KevJumba fan for about 4 years now. I watch his Youtube videos whenever I’m bored or feeling down because he’s so HILARIOUS!! It makes me feel better since laughter cures all. I feel like he’s also a pretty good role model and a lot of his videos, while funny have significant meanings behind them. When I watch his videos, I literally LAUGH OUT LOUD.
 I think it’s pretty amazing how he was able to make it so big; it gives everyone else hope to achieve whatever they set their minds to.
Below is a link to one of his videos if you want to check it out!
Shopping never fails to make a girl happy! What can be better than online shopping? Sometimes when I have extra time in the mornings before class, I’ll just go on their website and browse for anything cute or good deals.
One of my roommates told me about this site. They sell clothes and shoes online. Some of their boots look a lot like the ones from Cathy Jean, so if you’re a fan, check GoJane out!
I see ModCloth’s link on Facebook pretty often. Many of their dresses are SOOOO cute!! Like, super cutee, but a little pricey…

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lesson 1: Anger/Conflict Resolution

  1. So always remember anger is a “normal” emotion, one that we all feel at times, but that is NOT a BENEFICIAL emotion—especially when we act out of anger.

  1. Resolve Conflicts Early: If decision that should be made is not made, this could lead to the development of a problem, which would then need to be solved. If problem not solved, it could lead to a crisis, which is more difficult to resolve.
  2. Rules for Fighting Fair:
1.      Avoid Ultimatums
2.      Say what you really mean, instead of beating around the bush or lying.
3.      Use “I” Statements
4.      Don’t try to guess what the other person is thinking or feeling, JUST ASK.
5.      Never use sex to smooth over a disagreement: the other partner will feel pressured into the decision and resent their partner later on.
6.      Refuse to fight dirty: No verbal abuse, Pretending things are ok when they’re not, etc.
7.      Resist giving the silent treatment: Conflict doesn’t go away by itself—in fact, it may increase anger in the other person
8.      Focus on the PRESENT issue
9.      Call time-out: when arguments get too intense (remember to come back to it after both have cooled down!)
10.  Always go for closure: make sure the conflict is resolved.

        Facts about Anger: 
-Anger is a feeing
-nonexpression lead to increased risk off coronary disease
-Venting of anger "catharsis" only value when sets stage for resolution
-aggression does not lead to resolution
-anger directed toward those close to us

-Venting "releases" anger
-women get less angry than men
-some people never get angry
-anger always results from frustrations
-active sports/competitive work "release" anger

Ask PinkFlyingCow: If anyone has questions, feel free to comment and I will help in anyway I can!

Ask PinkFlyingCow

Hey Guys,
So I’m taking a really interesting class that teaches and prepares people to have healthy intimate relationships now and for marriage. I thought it’d be interesting to post some “Lessons” about what I’m learning so y’all can benefit from what I’m going to class and learning about! Hopefully it’ll help improve some relationships—whether it be intimate ones or friendships. All my posts will be based off of a combination of what I learned in class and through the text ( Marriage and Families-Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths by Olson, DeFrain, and Skogrand) and of course my own insights/experiences! I’ll include a Ask PinkFlyingCow section at the end of each lesson if anyone has questions that need to be answered :)

Likes and Yikes at the Grammies

Like: Selena Gomez

I thought Selena Gomez wore a really pretty, classy, and age appropriate dress. It wasn’t over –the- top sexy like the way a lot of teen pop stars prefer to dress. The crème gown flattered her body and at the same time was elegant.

Yikes: Lady Gaga

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Lady Gaga and many of her songs are incredible, but an egg? egg?! I feel like now-a-days, she’s going over- board with the outrageous factor. I totally support individuality and believe that people should definitely not conform to the norm, but I thought arriving in an egg with people carrying you like a King was a little over-the-top—even for Lady Gaga. Besides, her exit out of said egg wasn’t as dramatic as I would’ve thought; she merely just stepped out of it! What do you guys think?

Short People Pants Please

I am NOT a tall person, so inevitably I have trouble finding pants that fit me. I just don’t understand why stores make their jeans and pants soo super long. I mean, I don’t see a lot of Amazonic women running around, so why don’t they ever have jeans for short people? The model body is a minority, not the majority and you would think stores would want to cater to the majority. As one of my super duper funny roomies would say, “Do you have these jeans in human size? I’m not a giraffe.” My response? Holla girll, holla.

Caption: What I am NOT

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bieliebe in What You Want

So some have been criticizing Justin Bieber about his biebliefs on abortion. So he doesn't support a woman's right to abort. Other people don't either, but just biebcause he's famous, people scrutinize his every move and every word and judge him for it. We live in America and we exercise the right to have different biebliefs. For people who so strongly bieblieve in our right to free speech, we sure don't give celeBIEBlities the right to speak their minds. Famous people, like Bieber are also average, normal, everyday humans; we don't have to agree with them, but we also don't have to right to attack them for it either. They have every right to think whatever they want, just like anyone else.


So right now, I'm really into Justin Bieber...or more specifically his NAME, I guess. Not going to lie, he has one of the biebest (bestest) names around! There are soooo many Biebwords that my friends and I have thought of! His name is pretty biebtacular, not to mention his songs are also biebtastic. Love him or hate you, you gotta admit that his songs are pretty damn catchy and even non-bielibers find themselves humming to his songs. 

I don't even understand why people dislike him. I mean, have y'all seen him?! Biebsides, he can dance and sing at the same time, pretty bieberific if you ask me. Sure, his Baby song sounds a little feminine, but that was BEFORE he went through puberty! Since then, his voice has deepened a little, so give the Biebster a little more time! Other than that I don't understand WHY people dislike him. I mean WHY? He's biebnificent!